BRUSSELS WEIGHTLIFTING SCHOOL Weightlifting, powerlifting and physical preparation school in Ixelles/Watermael-Boitsfort

Opening hours and address

Opening hours

Open Gym


Monday 17 - 20h
Tuesday 17 - 20h
Wednesday 19h15 - 21h15
Thursday 17 - 20h
Friday 17 - 20h
Saturday 11h30 - 13h30
  17h - 19h
Sunday 14h - 17h


Group and private lessons can be organized anytime on request. 


Parc Sportif des 3 Tilleuls

Avenue Léopold Wiener 60

1170 Watermael-Boitsfort

The gym is located on the first floor of the building opposite the tennis courts (follow the sign: "salle de musculation").  It is more easily accessible via the pathway at the intersection of Avenue des Nymphes and Avenue des Sylphes.  Parking is available there.

The gym is reachable via the following buses:

  • bus 17 and 95: stops Keym*, Vander Elst, Ortolans or Trois Tilleuls
  • bus 41: stops Archiducs or Keym*

*but then prefer the entrance on Avenue Leopold Wiener 60 and follow the path along the swimming pool, then go down to the right, along the tennis courts.

The gym is equipped with 7 weightlifting platforms, 1 platform reserved for jerks from the blocks and 1 platform reserved for powerlifting. Some pictures of the gym:

plateau compétition
Salle bws
Bws jan 2021 1