BRUSSELS WEIGHTLIFTING SCHOOL Weightlifting, powerlifting and physical preparation school in Ixelles/Watermael-Boitsfort

2nr round of Interclubs

On 02/01/2023

In 2022 News

Summary of the performances of BWS during the second round of National Club Championships

2nd round Belgian club championships !

BWS showed up with a record 16 athletes, 5 complete teams, to this second round. Here are some of the best lifts from this weekend.

  • Alissa snatches 68 for a 1kg snatch PR (she also beat her best total by 2kg, getting closer and closer to the junior Europeans limit).
  • Melissa adds one kilo to her snatch PR (and powers it too!).
  • Michael beats his competition snatch PR (and unfortunately pressed out a 5kg CJ PR).
  • Erik had a 6/6 day and added 5kg to his CJ comp PR, which gave him his very first league junior record.
  • Morgan added 10kg to his CJ comp PR with this 120.
  • Dirk added 1kg to his CJ PR and 4kg to his best total with this 136 to become the 3d best male lifter of the day ! 

And, cherry on top, our first two teams topped the ranking of this competition ! Congrats to each and every athlete who showed up and gave it their all.

Looking forward to the next round, which will be organized by us !

2022 interclub